Advaita Awards Honours
Entrepreneurial Spirit of Women

- Advaita Awards is a salute to emerging Indian women entrepreneurs who are creating and executing scalable solutions with grounded reality and proving themselves in business across India.

SMBConnect today announced its flagship ‘Advaita Awards’, which celebrates Indian women entrepreneurs who enlighten, educate and motivate women across India to inspire social change. Advaita awards that recognize the self-belief of women and salutes their spirit of being resilient, persistent, passionate and strong, will be organised in different states across the length and breadth of the country.

For the state of Rajasthan, SMBConnect has collaborated with Federation of Rajasthan Trade and Industry (FORTI), the largest trade and industry chamber of Rajasthan, to organise Advaita awards on 25th October, 2018 in Hotel Hilton, Jaipur. The awards will honour women entrepreneurs in Rajasthan who have made it big in the world of business through their dedication and hard work.

“Women entrepreneurs are constantly stirring up a positive revolution of sorts. They have become an embodiment of women empowerment through their hard work and perseverance and yet, we have a wealth of women entrepreneurial stories waiting to be told. SMBConnect conceptualised Advaita awards to honour all these women trailblazers in recognition of their entrepreneurial skills and contribution to nation's growth”, said Sandipan Ray, Director- SMBConnect in an exclusive media interview. “We aim to organise Advaita awards in different states to appreciate and recognise women entrepreneurs across India, beginning with Rajasthan which is known for its successful business communities and for which we have proudly collaborated with FORTI.”

“In sync with global rise of women entrepreneurs, Rajasthani women have been treading a road not taken. They have emerged as successful entrepreneurs encouraging compassion and FORTI has itself been a witness to this remarkable phenomenon. The number of its women members have risen dramatically for the last couple of years” said Suresh Agarwal, President- FORTI.

“We are pleased to be associated with Advaita awards in order to provide global and national recognition to Rajasthani women entrepreneurs and to help them scale their businesses to new heights”, said Ranoo Nathany

Srivastava - Chairman, FORTI Women's Wing. “These women entrepreneurs have shown the audacity to create jobs for others rather than being the one who stand in long queues in front of employers. Conferring these change makers with Advaita will surely embolden them to foray into lesser trodden territories and inspire the next generation of women entrepreneurs to give wings to their dreams.”

“Advaita is sure to solve the contemporary challenges confronting India by recognising women entrepreneurs who are finding innovative business solutions for the better future of India and are bringing these solutions to the largest audience possible”, said Lalita Kuchhal, Project Chairman- Advaita Awards, Jaipur.

Advaita awards will honour women entrepreneurs across two categories- MSME category and Legendary category. Women honourees will be selected on the basis of both financial and non-financial indicators from a diverse spectrum of industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, services, IT & ITeS and pharmaceuticals. Advaita honourees will inspire the next generation of women and will provide leadership and guiding examples to the young emerging entrepreneurs.

About SMBConnect:
SMBConnect is India’s largest integrated solution platform which links small and medium sized enterprises and entrepreneurs across the nation. It works on three fundamental principles- Connect, Knowledge and Growth to empower SMBs and to act as catalyst in their development process. The mission of SMBConnect is to build supportive communities by using effective solutions to connect with customers, providing advisory solutions, leveraging training programs and sharing the experiences of other businesses, so that SMBs can overcome all odds and succeed. Because it believes, Small Can Be Big!

Federation of Rajasthan Trade and Industry (FORTI) is an apex chamber of Trade & Industry of the state of Rajasthan. It is a registered body with the Registrar of Non Trading Companies and has a membership of more than 10000 direct members and 1,00,000 indirect members which includes trading & industry establishments, industry specific associations and institutions besides individuals, encompassing a wide spectrum of industries and trade from all the sectors of the economy.

FORTI acts as an intermediary for policy advocacy between the Government of India at National level and Government of Rajasthan at State level and for dissemination of information among its members.

Its main objectives are to solve various problems related to trade, industry and general society and clarification of various laws, rules and regulations. To fulfil these, FORTI organizes seminars, skill development workshops, training programs, road shows, exhibitions, etc. periodically.